OKLAHOMA! - IAB Musical Theatre Performance

OKLAHOMA! - IAB Musical Theatre Performance

Sarrerak ikusi
OKLAHOMA! - IAB Musical Theatre Performance

OKLAHOMA! - IAB Musical Theatre Performance

Institute of the Arts Barcelona - Mas Alba Campus. Ctra. Pruelles, 6 (Mas Alba Comercial Area). Mapa ikusi

Eguna aukeratu

Ordua aukeratu



Directed by Alexandra Summer-Hughes

Musical Directed by Debbi Clarke

Performed by IAB Musical Theatre Second Year Students

This enchanting musical follows the story of Laurey, a young farm girl, and Curley, a cowboy, who have known each other since childhood, but are beginning to wonder if there isn’t something more to their relationship. To add to their confusion the hired hand, Jud, has his heart set on Laurey, and is determined that no one should stand in his way. Along the way we meet other characters who are also struggling with love, and with how the community understands what is right and wrong.  

Set at the turn of the 20th century, this story shows us an America coming to terms with its identity, and how it should govern itself. It was adapted from a play, “Green Grow the Lilacs” by Lynn Riggs, and made a perfect antidote to the war which in 1943, when it was first performed, had engulfed America. With music from the first collaboration of Rodgers and Hammerstein, Oklahoma is as fresh and beautiful as the day is long. 

Please note:

* Duration 3 hours aprox. There will be an interval.

* Entry to the performance will not be allowed once the play has started.

* No suitable for children under 12.

* The play is performed in English.

Kasu honetan antolatzaileak ez du zehaztu adingabekoen politikarik sarreran, zalantzarik izan ezkero zuzenean antolatzailearekin harremanetan jartzea gomendatzen dizugu.

4 Iritziak Iritziak ikusi

Iritzia balioztatuta2024/05/16 egunean joan zen
No em fa falta anar a Broadway o a Londres per gaudir d'uns ballarins/cantans com aquests. IAB ès una fàbrica de trobar i pulir talent. Marxen uns i els que venen sòn tan bons com els que s'en van.. M Gehiago irakurri ltes felicitats profesors i alunmes!!
Josep Mª Franch Grau
Iritzia balioztatuta2024/05/17 egunean joan zen
Muy buena interpretación con fantásticas coreografías . El vestuario me gustó muchísimo muy cuidado y diverso! Cada acto supera el anterior y la danza acaba explosionando . Resultado brillante y emoc Gehiago irakurri onante!
Iritzia balioztatuta2024/05/15 egunean joan zen
Una función muy buena .... muy recomendable ..... he disfrutado mucho
Iritzia balioztatuta2024/05/15 egunean joan zen
Las 3 horas pasaron como 5 minutos, canto , baile, expresión top



Institute of the Arts Barcelona

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